Tales of Lane: Act II

Here we are again!


When I last left you, we had just begun staging. Well, after another long day in the shop, we bring you another completed act! Hooray! This show is coming together so quickly! It’s madness, I tell you!


Staging is going well! There are so many fascinating concepts coming together and it’s going to be not only audibly interesting, but visually too. I can’t wait!


Mostly I am super excited for the costumes. It is going to be Victorian Steampunk. If you are unsure of what that means, google it up. Am I going to have to pay copyright for using “google” as a verb? I hope not. That would be silly. Anyway, the best reference I can think of at the moment is the movie “A Series of Unfortunate Events” . This still may not help a lot of you, but essentially the concept is Victorian garb with “modern” gadgets…but not so much modern as what the Victorians may have thought would be modern in the future? It sounds far more complicated than it actually is but it is going to be awesome! Lots of leather and crinoline and flight goggles and scarves and, basically, all things that are good. The Nicklas costume concept (what I and Maureen Ferguson will be wearing) is based on an “air ship captain” which is going to be so wicked. Think Amelia Earhart punk-ed up. So exciting!


On an entirely different note, a large amount of us went to see the final installment of Harry Potter last night. It is so much fun to go in a big group, it was a hilarious bonding experience. (ie) At a very serious and quiet part of the movie, when I was probably crying, all you can hear from down the row is Darrell Hicks (one of the Hoffmann’s) put his hand into the bag of popcorn and rustle around for approximately two minutes and then crunch loudly. During this time, William Ford (tenor, playing multiple roles) and I were chuckling to ourselves. We had a good laugh afterward and laughed even harder when Darrell asked us in a woman-ly British voice, “Do you want anythin’ from the trolley?” We laughed. Really hard. For most of the walk home. It probably isn’t nearly as funny since you can’t hear the inflection in Darrell’s voice and aren’t aware that he is nearly 6′ 5″ with long hair and a beard. Maybe you had to be there. But my point is that it has been so great getting to hang out with fellow work shoppers outside of rehearsal. There are just so many wonderful personalities and we have so much fun together. It’s an amazing experience and I am loving every minute of it!


Well, I hope that didn’t bore you. If it did, I am sorry and I will try to gather some more interesting info for next time. 🙂


Until next time,


Jessica Lane

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