Tales of Lane: Act II

Here we are again! ANY When I last left you, we had just begun staging. Well, after another long day in the shop, we bring you another completed act! Hooray! This show is coming together so quickly! It’s madness, I tell you! ANY Staging is going well! There are so many fascinating concepts coming together […]

Welcome to our third blogger, Jeff Boyd!

ANY Tenor Jeff Boyd has kindly agreed to be our third blogger (all we need is a baritone now, and we’ll have a quartet :)) Jeff is singing the title role in Les contes d’Hoffmann. ANY This is from Jeff’s website: ANY My name is Jeffery Michael Boyd: I sing tenor. ANY My core value […]

From a Singer’s Perspective: Staging

Hello Friends! ANY Here we are on Day 4 already!! I actually had to count it out, because after one day at a summer program, time loses all meaning, and it is impossible to tell what day of the week it is, let alone how long you’ve been there. ANY So staging is well underway. […]

Tales of Lane: A Study in Operatic Rehearsal

ANY Alrighty! Hello, hello hello! Ok, I apologize if the formatting ends up being weird when I publish this, I am totally flying by the seat of my pants here and will try to get things ironed out by my next blog. ANY It’s getting late so I am going to keep it short and […]