1. Fill in the application form.
Fill in the application form and pay $35 application fee via PayPal.
2. Submit your digital files.
All audition materials this year will be submitted digitally. After you’ve submitted your application form, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to a form where you can send us your materials.
Prepare recordings of pieces as specified below. You’ll be able to upload audio or video files or submit links to them.
You’ll also need to submit a covering letter and a digital headshot and upload a bio and resume.
If Nina hasn’t worked with you before, a letter of recommendation is also highly appreciated!
While we will accept distance applications until all roles are filled, in order to be considered in the first wave of auditions, we ask that you submit your materials by November 23, 2023 – extended to December 5.
What pieces should I sing?
Recordings (video preferred, but audio accepted) of three selections.
- An aria, musical theatre number or art song in English. If you’ve got an aria from The Consul, that’s fabulous! Even if you’re most interested in the Handel, we really like to hear you sing in English.
2. and 3. Any other song or aria that shows off your personality and voice. Personality and acting ability are very important to us, much more so than you might be used to. Nina casts lots of people on this basis.
If you don’t have any opera repertoire whatsoever, and are just getting started in this genre we’re happy to listen to whatever you can present. Musical theatre is just fine by us, as are art songs, if you’ve got nothing operatic. If the opera you want to be cast in is in a foreign language, do try to bring us something in that language. Most importantly, we want to see you and what you bring to your pieces. We have roles available for performers of varied strengths and experience and love to work with newcomers to the operatic stage.
What's the 2024 rep?
The 2024 Halifax Summer Opera Festival will run from July 20 to August 18, 2024. We will produce two operas, Menotti’s The Consul and Handel’s Giulio Cesare in Egitto. All rehearsals will be at Dalhousie University.
What are the costs?
The fee for the 2024 workshop will be $2300 Canadian per person. The fee includes all artistic costs, including coachings, acting/movement and audition classes, rehearsals and masterclasses.
This does not include housing and travel.
Who can apply?
The Halifax Summer Opera Festival is open to all performers, regardless of nationality or age.
We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role we seek qualified performers, without regard to race, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity, within the confines of voice types (and sometimes not even then!) We encourage trans singers to apply.