From a Singer’s Perspective: Masterclasses!
Hi Friends! ANY Just a note on masterclasses. Now that they’re all done, that is. 🙂 ANY For those of you following who might not be singers, let me take a moment to explain just what a masterclass is. It’s a public lesson. A singer gets up in front of a large group of people, […]
From a Singer’s Perspective: Week Two Begins
Hello Friends ANY Week Two has begun! Magic Flute is trekking along. We’re nearly all staged, and it’s thrilling to see things coming together. ANY We have a fun modern concept that we’re playing with, and it’s been a good time trying different things out, and whatnot. I have my first costume fitting this evening, and […]
From a Singer’s Perspective: Staging
Hello Friends! ANY Here we are on Day 4 already!! I actually had to count it out, because after one day at a summer program, time loses all meaning, and it is impossible to tell what day of the week it is, let alone how long you’ve been there. ANY So staging is well underway. […]
Welcome to HSOW 2011
ANY Welcome to HSOW 2011: from a singer’s perspective. ANY It feels like I’ve been in Halifax for a week, and it’s only Day 2 of the program. Already I’ve met a ton of great people, forgotten most of their names, and had some exciting rehearsals. ANY We started off the program yesterday with […]