Advice on auditioning: 1. Picking opera audition repertoire
Dear terrified/intimidated/resigned/fatalistic/anxious opera singer: Audition season is upon us once again, the time of year when a young opera singer’s fancy turns lightly to thoughts of baring oneself (artistically) in front of a panel of professional judges who stand between the singer and further experience. It’s a time of scrambling to find an obscure audition […]
Applications now being accepted for Toronto, Halifax, Montreal, Sackville and London

The Halifax Summer Opera Festival in Nova Scotia, Canada is preparing for its 14th season in 2018 — with main stage productions of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea. All in-person audition dates are open for applicants now — as well as distance applications by digital upload which […]