Hello Friends
Week Two has begun! Magic Flute is trekking along. We’re nearly all staged, and it’s thrilling to see things coming together.
We have a fun modern concept that we’re playing with, and it’s been a good time trying different things out, and whatnot. I have my first costume fitting this evening, and based on the sketches I shared several posts earlier, I’m excitied to see what kind of a costume we’ll come up. (I’m crossing my fingers for a tiara.)
We had a day off yesterday (Sunday), and us HSOW’ers all had fun trying various Nova Scotia experiences. My housemates and I trekked out to the Bay of Fundy. We arrived at Blomidon Provincial Park about half an hour after low tide, and hiked our way out (waaaaaaay ooouuuuuut) to the ocean edge, and played in the sand and water for a bit, admiring the gorgeous red cliffs, juxtaposed against blue sky, white clouds, and green trees. It was thrilling. And then, after a meal in Canning, we went back out, to see how much the tide had come in. It was INSANE!! Even as we stood and watched, we saw the things we’d drawn in the sand earlier get eaten up in a matter of minutes. It was a beautiful, beautiful day.
Other castmates had fun excursions as well, like whale watching (although the rumour is, no whales were seen), going to the market, and playing along the harbourfront. Halifax, and Nova Scotia in general, have so much to offer, that we look forward to more days off to explore!
And one final note: Casts are cast! It is really nice to have a solid set of people to work with, because we’re already arranging how we want to do specific things individual to our casts. When two different people are developing a character, they of course have different ideas (both valid) of how they see their character reacting to situations, etc. So for example, Janaka Welihinda, my cast’s Papageno, and I are planning how and when we want to bump into each other when we’re trying to escape from Monastatos. It’s just a little thing, but I think it’s the little things – the touches, the gestures, the last look back that take an opera from good to great. So if you’re hoping to catch a specific person in the show you’re coming to see, check out the website, Nina posted cast lists!
Ciao for now!