Hi everyone! I’m Rachel Wood, and I’m one of your guest bloggers for HSOW 2012 (pro tip: search #HSOW on twitter to get live updates on operatic shenanigans) I’m going into my fourth year in music program at York University. This summer has been really musical and travelicious for me- I attended the Opera NUOVA one week intensive in Edmonton, and then toured Austria and France with the York University Chamber Choir, before taking a little break (to learn all my HSOW music) before coming out to beautiful Halifax. I’ve never been to Nova Scotia before and am eagerly anticipating crossing things off my list of “Halifax Activities” (one of these things got completed within 24 hours of being in Halifax- eating donair! Thanks to my lovely doppelganger, Meghan Jamieson!)

Speaking of doppelgangers and learning music, this year at HSOW I’ll be singing Helga in “Gisela in her Bathtub”, and Iris in “The Harpies”, as well as chorus in “Riders to the Sea” and singing in the American Aria Recital (July 28th!). I’m so excited to be a part of this program. Today was day one and all 70+ singers gathered to hear from Nina, meet the production team, and each other, and draw lots for masterclasses- mine’s tomorrow night, eek.

I hope you all enjoy the blog this year, all the other bloggers and I have tons of great ideas for content, and if there’s anything specific you want to read about (or…tweet about, make videos about, take pictures of), let us know and we’ll try to make it happen!



Just living the dream in Halifax, I’m on the right! So beautiful after three hours of sleep and then walking all over the city looking for Sobeys. AW YEAH #HSOW.

Living the dream

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