We are tickled pink to announce that HSOW almumna Maureen Ferguson has been awarded a place with the Calgary Opera’s Emerging Artist Development Program!
[box] “Each season, Calgary Opera’s Emerging Artist Development Program provides up to eight young singers with the opportunity to study and perform under a highly prestigious professional staff of teachers and performers. The program is intended to benefit Canadian singers who have completed pre-professional training at an opera program. It will serve as a bridge between academic programs and the professional world of opera, offering the experience and practical skills necessary to succeed as a self-employed professional in a highly competitive international environment”.[/box]
We’ve had the pleasure of working with this talented mezzo soprano twice: in 2010 she sang the role of Bradamante in Handel’s Alcina and last year she sang Nicklausse in Offenbach’s Il contes d’Hoffmann. I’m sure I join all her colleagues, teachers and coaches in wishing Maureen the very best as she moves into this next stage of her career!
Go, Maureen!
Nina Scott-Stoddart
General Director