Ava attends Dr. John C. Wickwire Academy in Liverpool, NS and will be starting grade 4 this Fall. She has been an audience member for the last 3 years but will be celebrating her 9th birthday on stage with the HSOF this year! She started voice lessons under the direction of Kim Umphrey at 6 years old and participates in the annual Liverpool Music Festival. Her first stage appearance was at 6 years old at the Liverpool Kiwanis Christmas concert before a full house of 330 people! She hopes to someday be an opera singer! Ava also enjoys attending a variety of Symphony NS productions, competitive dance with La Vie en Danse (Bridgewater, NS), Suzuki violin lessons with Bev Shaw (Mahone Bay, NS), taking care of her 28 beautiful chickens and being a mermaid at the beach every summer of course! She is super excited to have the opportunity to be a part of the HSOF for the first time along with her best friend, Billie Kent 🙂

Giulio Cesare in Egitto by G.F. Handel
Giulio Cesare in Egitto , the most popular and frequently-performed of Handel’s operas, will be presented by the Halifax Summer