Colombian baritone Camilo Rodriguez-Cuadrado obtained a Master degree in voice performance from The University of Western Ontario in 2018. Camilo will join The Halifax Summer Opera Festival 2019, performing the role of Melisso in Händel’s “Alcina”. He also will be part of Vera Causa Opera’s season 2019 – 2020, singing in the operas “The Child and The Spells” by Maurice Ravel, “The Dino Opera / Rapunzel” (Double Bill) by Canadian composer Dylan Langan, and the Canadian Opera Fest. Camilo has performed with Vera Causa Opera, The University of Western Ontario Opera Workshop, Accademia Europea dell’Opera, Fundación Jaime Manzur, Canadian Operatic Arts Academy, Caldas Symphony Orchestra, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Symphony Orchestra and Universidad Nacional de Colombia Opera Workshop, among others.

Giulio Cesare in Egitto by G.F. Handel
Giulio Cesare in Egitto , the most popular and frequently-performed of Handel’s operas, will be presented by the Halifax Summer