Mehdi began his singing career as a member of the ‘’ Tehran Choir ’’ in Iran in 2010 while taking classical voice lessons. In 2013, he moved to Istanbul to be a chorister and soloist of the ‘’Koral Istanbul Choir‘’ participating in many concerts, while continuing to take voice lessons. In the beginning of 2015, Mehdi was accepted to be a part of a quartet group called “Singers of United Lands” located in the United States. For five months they toured the States singing in various concert halls, universities, churches and schools. In 2016, he moved to Montreal to study at McGill University where he is currently in his fourth year as an undergraduate student with Professor Stefano Algieri.

Giulio Cesare in Egitto by G.F. Handel
Giulio Cesare in Egitto , the most popular and frequently-performed of Handel’s operas, will be presented by the Halifax Summer